What is the history of football, who started it first, how did it make its place in FIFA

Today we have brought special information related to football for the lovers of football. It is related to the history of football and its name. How this game got its name by kicking the ball into the opponent's goal, let us tell you about it today...

What is the history of football, who started it first, how did it make its place in FIFA

How did football get its name: There are countless number of football lovers around the world. Today we have brought special information related to football for the lovers of football.

It is related to the history of football and its name. How this game got its name by kicking the ball into the opponent's goal, let us tell you about it today...

Football History

History of football is years old. About 3000 years ago in the culture of MesoAmerica, a game played with a stone ball was written. It was called Tchatali. At the same time, some historians believe that this game played with feet originated in China.

They believe that football is a Chinese game called Quju in the 2nd-3rd century BC. There it flourished during the Heian dynasty. An evolved version of it was also played in Japan. It was called 'Kemari' in Japan. The Japanese loved to play it during any festival or ceremony.

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First use of the word football

Modern football started in England. The game was very popular there in the 13th century. According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word football was first used for this game in 1409. It is said that Prince Henry IV of Britain gave this name (Football). However, it was banned in England in the 16th century due to the death of many participants.

First association football

People started playing it publicly again in the 18th century. Gradually this game started becoming popular from England to other countries as well. The first football association was formed in London in 1863. It made the rules related to this game. The first international tournament was played in 1883. It was attended by England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

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Inception of fifa

Initially the game was dominated by England or its surrounding countries, but later players from clubs in Poland, Budapest and Siena also began to show their strength. In 1904 the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) was founded. Its headquarter is in Munich, Switzerland. The interesting thing is that initially England did not become a part of it. The next year he joined FIFA and played in the first Football World Cup in 1950.