Nowadays These Things Can Boost Your Immunity

In biology, immunity is the capability of multicellular organisms to resist harmful microorganisms. Immunity involves both specific and nonspecific components. The nonspecific components act as barriers or eliminators of a wide range of pathogens irrespective of their antigenic make-up.

Nowadays These Things Can Boost Your Immunity

There is a saying that "Precaution is always better than cure" and when it comes to Covid-19, sticking to the basics like wearing masks, following social distancing, and washing hands frequently while following a healthy diet and fitness routine can go a long way in keeping the infection at bay. But a robust immune system can help fight the highly-infectious strain like the new omicron virus. T-cells of our immune army also play an important role in destroying virus-infected cells and providing us protection. Their role in combating new strains of Covid-19 has been found to be more effective than antibodies.

To make our immunity strong, diet plays an important role. Home-cooked food, food rich in fiber vitamin c, micronutrients like green leafy vegetables and fruits can give a boost to our health.

There are a few things that can also boost your immunity

image source TOI
It is one of the most easily digestible fats which generate heat in the body and keep you warm. It’s a great thing to add to your daily diet.


image source Hindustan Times
It is a seasonal food that is packed with vitamin C and makes your immune system strong. It keeps all the diseases and illnesses away. Make sure to have raw amla or amla juice on a regular basis.


image source healthifyme
High on fiber, millets have a low glycemic index which makes them an ideal diet for diabetics too. It not only boosts your immunity but also aids in weight loss. During the winter season, it’s good to add millets like ragi, bajra, jowar which have high fiber, are good for your digestive system, and increase your blood circulation.


image source Women's Health
Its anti-inflammatory properties help in curing sore throat. It is highly effective in fighting germs, bacteria, and viruses. Adding it daily to your tea or kaadha can keep your immune system strong.


image source nwapain
It’s a powerful antioxidant and including this in your daily diet gives relief from all the cough problems. Take 1 tsp of turmeric, mix it with one glass of warm water and have it every morning on empty stomach.


image source BCC good food
High on antioxidants and good for digestion and gut health, it's effective for sore throat also. Add it to your ginger tea or kadhaa to fight Omicron.

Remember that limit intake of sugar in your daily diet as it can increase your weight and leads to obesity which can eventually lower your immune system. Instead of sugar, you can use Jaggery because jaggery is recommended to be eaten after meals daily as it prevents constipation and helps in digestion by activating the digestive enzymes in our body.